Brand Outcomes

Measure Brand Lift and Forecast Customers

Upwave’s Brand Outcomes capabilities allow advertisers to measure brand lift and customers acquired—tying top-of-funnel metrics to bottom-of-funnel outcomes.

Predict the long-term Customer Lift from each brand campaign and tactic with Upwave’s industry-first Customer Forecast Metric.

Upwave advertisers have access to actionable data early, that highlights brand resonance and opportunities to up-level optimization conversations from clicks, to brand KPIs.

Quantifiable Customer Forecast

Identify long-term media efficiencies with Upwave Customer Forecast, to complement the short-term efficiencies available from Media Mix Modeling and Multi-Touch Attribution. Our Customer Forecast model leverages an AI-based brand equity model specific to your brand, that is calibrated using sales data.


Unified Brand Lift

Upwave measures brand lift of TV, digital and cross-media campaigns deterministically, with a cookieless approach that never uses Opportunity to See (OTS). Save time with same-day, automated setup, and leverage Upwave’s exploratory dashboard with unlimited cuts to elevate conversation between brands and media companies from clicks to brand building.


The Analytics Platform for Brand Advertising
