Brand Reach

Validate Reach, Frequency and Scale

Upwave’s Brand Reach capability- with industry-first audience verification metrics – reduces waste, measuring reach beyond age and gender.

CTV has changed how brands think about targeting, and reporting reach by age & gender is no longer good enough. Upwave’s Brand Reach metrics validate how successful a tactic or campaign is in reaching a demographic or behavioral trait. This profile is available cross-channel, across TV and digital, and updated daily.

At the same time, with the rise of CTV, video campaigns struggle with validating reach and frequency across fragmented channels, including CTV, linear TV, and digital. Upwave’s Brand Reach also gives advertisers fully automated, campaign-level view of reach, frequency and penetration rate within your brand specific target audience.

Demographic and Behavioral Targeting Profiles

Ensure campaigns and media tactics are reaching your desired brand-specific audiences, and make adjustments mid-flight with Upwave. Highlight the accuracy of a tactic or campaign in reaching a brand-specific demographic or behavioral trait; available cross-channel (for digital, linear TV, addressable TV, CTV and streaming audio) and updated daily.


Validate Reach, Frequency and Penetration

Upwave is able to validate reach and frequency across fragmented channels, including CTV, linear TV, and digital. Marketers can go way beyond age and gender into reporting reach and percentage penetration within brand-specific target audiences fully cross-channel.


Calculating Reach

Upwave’s reach determines:

  • Target Audience size
  • Campaign/Tactic Reach
  • On-Target Reach
  • On-Target Penetration

The Analytics Platform for Brand Advertising
