Steve Blank Startup Tools

By Dev April 01, 2022

Steve Blank Startup Tools

2. Lean LaunchPad Videos Click Here

3. Founding/Running Startup Advice Click Here


Getting Started

Lists of Tools from Others


Find a Co-Founder

Developer Bootcamps

Job Interviewing Tools

Tools from Steve: Lean Startup/Business Model Canvas/Customer Development Tools

  • Founders Workbook – A Checklist for the Startup Owners Manual
  • Over 500 presentations and videos (mine and my students class finals) on Slideshare
  • Harvard Business Review article on Lean here
  • My free online Lean LaunchPad class on Udacity is here.
    • All the Lectures and their subtitles can be download for free here. Creative Commons license applies.
  • I also share all my syllabi, student presentations and my class lectures slides as well.
  • Educators Training Guide is here
  • Course for Educators is here
  • Teachable moments videos for the Lean Launchpad class here
  • How do Customer Discovery videos here
  • How to do Customer Discovery workbook here
  • Sample Lean LaunchPad Lecture slides and suggested syllabus here
  • Latest presentations posted click here
  • Latest student videos posted here
  • National Science Foundation presentations here
  • Stanford presentations, lectures and syllabus here
  • Berkeley presentations, lectures and syllabus here
  • Columbia 5-day presentations, lectures and syllabus here
  • Caltech 5-day presentations, lectures and syllabus here
  • Business Model Competition slides here
  • Some general customer development slides click here
  • National Science Foundation I-Corps presentations, lectures and syllabus click here
  • National Science Foundation/NCIIA I-Corps Faculty toolkit is here
  • LaunchPad Central – the standard for Bus Model Canvas/Customer Development progress for companies/incubators/accelerators

Business Model Canvas

Customer Development

Social Entrepreneurship / Non-Profits

Customer Discovery Checklist


Before Leaving the Building

Outside the Building

Returning to the Building

How to Do Customer Discovery Interviews

Founder Stories

marketingtechnology lumascape 4-23-13

marketing tech landscape 2016

Create Websites Automagically

Build Static-site blogs

  • StaticGen – list of static-site generators
  • Hugo – framework for building static-sites
  • Forestry – static-site content management system integrates into Cloudinary
  • Jekyll – build static sites
  • VuePres – static-site generator
  • HeXo – static-site generator
  • GitBook – static-site generator for documentation
  • MiddleMan  – static-site generator for documentation
  • Pelican – static-site generator

Blogging Platforms

  • WordPress– king of blogging platforms…doubles as startup website
  • Tumblr – another blogging platform
  • Disqus – Comments Platform
  • Livefrye – alternate to Disqus

Website Bounce Reduction

  • BounceExchange – drive conversions and leads on a website
  • Optimonk – monetize abandoning website traffic
  • EarnCoupon – give customers discounts for liking your site

“How Big is the Market?” Tools

“How Do I Contact Customers?” Tools

Surveys/Forms/Focus Groups

  • Google Consumer Surveys – online market research
  • Zoomerang – Free basic version, surveys polls, 150+ templates
  • Qualtrics – cloud-based survey, free account a complete game changer – incredibly well built and powerful
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk – you can set up a question and get answers
  • Qualaroo – target surveys, boost signups, increase usage
  • Fieldboom – create forms, surveys, and quizzes
  • Remesh – truth discovery platform
  • – get user feedback on your projects
  • Pollfish – Create online/mobile app surveys
  • Survata – Consumer feedback for any business decision
  • Instantly – audiences and insight tools for businesses
  • SimpleSurvey – free online survey creator
  • Wufoo – create contact forms, online surveys and event registrations
  • Vizir – free online questionnaires
  • Typeform – forms/survey builder great U/I
  • Formstack – Online Form Builder
  • Formcrafts – free online form builder
  • Awesomeforms – website forms
  • AYTM – Ask Your Target Market
  • Ethnio – Recruit real people from your website for user research
  • Poplytics – online surveys and analytics
  • SurveyMonkey–  granddaddy of on-line surveys
  • SurveyMoz – free on-line surveys
  • FormTitan – customized email notifications, customized triggers, flow & conditions
  • QuestionPro – on surveys, plus templates
  • SnapSurveys – online and mobile surveys
  • PickFu – Instant Market feedback A/B testing, polls
  • SurveyGizmo – free version, survey creation and data integration tools
  • 123ContactForm – create HTML forms and surveys
  • SmartSurvey – UK’s leading survey tool, complies with the Data Protection Act
  • FormAssembly – Create order forms, service requests or registration forms and collect payment securely
  • FluidSurvey – web/mobile/tablet surveys
  • SogoSurvey -web surveys w/analytics
  • PollDaddy – from the makers of WordPress, powerful reporting & filtering
  • SuperSimpleSurvey – survey creator, branching, mobile ready
  • SurveyNuts – Free survey-maker/online questionnaire creation tool
  • Insitez – Online customer feedback that boost conversions
  • Polltango – create online polls

Product Launch Tools/Landing Pages

  • Great Landing Page Tutorial – ConversionXL
  • LaunchRock – Create a viral “coming soon” landing page
  • Prefinery– Beta and Launch Mgmt software
  • LaunchEffect – WordPress Landing pages for viral launches
  • Ooomf – iPhone app store build/push/launch
  • Unbounce – create, publish & test promotion specific landing pages
  • Instapage – create a free landing page
  • KickoffLabs -product landing pages
  • LaunchGator – create a viral landing page
  • Lander – create a landing page in minutes
  • Ion – create landing pages that convert
  • Clickthroo – landing pages with split-test, segment, personalization
  • WordSafety – Check a name for unwanted meanings in foreign languages

Product Demo Videos

Screencasting Software

  • Camtasia – screen recording and video editing
  • Jing – screenshots and screencasts
  • SnapzProX – mac screen capture software
  • ScreenFlow – mac screen capture and effects
  • Screencastify – screen video recording for Chrome
  • Snagit– Chrome plugin/downloadable, they also build a ton of other software (500 person company in Michigan)
  • ClipChamp – online video editor

Streaming Video Marketplace

  • Periscope – live streaming video
  • Meerkat –  live stream video
  • Streamium – Stream live video directly to your viewers and get paid in bitcoin
  • Findstringers – global freelance marketplace
  • Twitch

Traditional Media


On-Line Advertising Platforms (SEO)

Competitive Online Adword/PPC Analysis

  • SEMRush – SEO and campaign management tool
  • SimilarWeb – discover traffic for any web site or mobile app
  • Thalamus -comprehensive research database of advertising vendors
  • Alexa – competitive website info
  • KeywordEye – generate keywords
  • Spyfu – download competitors keywords and ads
  • BuzzStream – link building and digital PR
  • Market Samurai – SEO Keyword Analysis Tool
  • WordStream – competitive adword analysis
  • K-Meta – find competitive adwords keywords
  • Moz  – keywords, links and on-page metrics

Social Media Advertising

  • Captiv8 – social media mgmt platform – connect brands to advertisers
  • Atlas – Facebook’s cross platform solution
  • Adaptly – twitter and facebook advertising platform
  • MarinSoftware – online advertising platform
  • Adroll – retargeting and display advertising
  • Kenshoo – predictive marketing
  • Adstage – manage google, bing, facebook, twitter & linked in Ads
  • Followerwonk – Twitter analytics, online segmentation

Search Engine Optimization and Tools

marketing technology landscape

SEO and Analytics Tutorials

Online Ad Fraud Tools

  • Forensiq – fight online ad fraud
  • SimilarWeb – website traffic and mobile app analytics
  • WhiteOps – Digital ad fraud detection

Web/Social Customer Analytics Tools

  • Google Analytics – web analytics and optimizer from the borg
  • Kissmetrics– actionable analytics
  • MetricStory – Google analytics automatically delivered
  • QuantcastMeasure – measure reach, traffic, frequency, demographics, interests/lifestyle, etc
  • Comscore – ad agency/enterprise analytics
  • AdobeAnalytics – ex Omniture
  • Amazon Analytics – cross–platform mobile analytics reporting service for your app or game
  • FacebookDomainInsights – provides developers and Page owners with metrics about their content
  • HeapAnalytics – captures user action Clicks, taps, swipes, form submissions, page views and lets you measure it
  • GetClickyreal-time web analytics
  • Grafana – Beautiful metric & analytic dashboards for time series and metrics
  • InfluxDB – the platform for time series data
  • Leadlander – marketing automation analytics
  • – analytics API
  • Wordtracker – find the best keywords and links
  • Serpico – monitor your competition, backlinks & rankings
  • WhatRunsWhere – locate and assess competitors ads and copy
  • – easy analytics for business data
  • Mixpanel– real-time event tracking
  • DigMyData – analytics dashboard for sales, email, social and ad marketing
  • Crazyegg– visualize analytics
  • Mint – site analytics
  • Piwik – open source web analytics
  • Visistat – web analytics measure marketing campaigns
  • DbFace – SQL database application builder build no coding PHP or any frontend html, css
  • Webtrends – analytics and segments
  • Chartbeat – website analytics for doers
  • Kontagent – user analytics for the social and mobile web
  • Forsee – web, mobile, social, contact center analytics
  • Woopra – real time customer and visitor analytics
  • StatsMix – track and display internal & web metrics
  • Keylines – amazing email visualization tool (Palantir for the rest of us)
  • Ducksboard – very cool way to measure any online metrics
  • Dasheroo – Business dashboards done right
  • Cyfe – monitor social media, analytics, marketing, sales, support
  • Mention – media and social monitoring
  • Geckoboard – widget-driven business dashboard
  • Grappster – dashboard for your cloud apps
  • Leftronic – dashboard for real-time analytics
  • Ubiqdata into dashboards
  • PirateMetrics – track acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue
  • – Twitter brand monitoring
  • WhosTalkin – Social Media Search tool
  • Diffbot – identify and extract from any web page (stealth search engine!)
  • Kumu – track, visualize and leverage relationships

IoT (Internet of Things) Analytics

  • Tellient – the only analytics platform built specifically for the IoT
  • First Analytics – predict time-to-failure for industrial equipment or solve complex optimization problems involving industrial IoT
  • Uptake – IoT and data analytics company

SEO for Mobile Apps

Mobile App Store Customer Analytics / Ad Platform

mobile marketing

Social Listening

  • Datarank – social listening and analytics tools
  • Bottlenose – social listening for stream data
  • Dataminr – transforms Twitter stream and other public datasets into actionable signals
  • Trendspotrr – transforms social media into action
  • DataSift – human data intelligence
  • Salesforce Radian6 – social media monitoring platform for marketers
  • Brand24 – social media monitoring and analytics

Mobile App Location / Ad Platform / Misc

  • Placed – location based analytics for mobile apps & websites
  • Burstly – mobile app monetization tools
  • Yozio – campaign tracking & viral optimization for mobile apps
  • Tapjoy – mobile app turnkey ad platform
  • Appbackr – market, sell and distribute your apps
  • Chartboost – make money with mobile games
  • Google AdMob – monitize and promote your mobile games
  • Vungle – integrate video ads into your apps

content marketing toolsOnline Marketing Suites

  • HubSpot – online marketing and web analytics system
  • Eloqua – marketing automation
  • Pardot – marketing automation for multi-touch sales
  • Silverpop – end to end marketing automation
  • AgileCRM – CRM, Sales & marketing automation
  • HipCricket – mobile marketing platform
  • Infusionsoft – small business CRM and marketing automation software
  • Performable – personable web analytics/lifecycle marketing
  • Custora – customer retention, churn reduction, lifetime value
  • Zoho – free/cheap web customer relationship mgmt software
  • Sharebird – Sales enablement software
  • Highrise – small business CRM
  • Pipedrive – sales pipeline management
  • Zferral – affiliate and referral marketing on the web
  • Genoo – marketing automation software
  • Act-on – marketing automation suite
  • Wishpond – social media marketing
  • Intercom – CRM and web messaging tool for web apps
  • Salestrakr – low cost CRM
  • OntraPort – small business CRM, email management, list segmentation, marketing automation, billing, easy website building
  • InviteBox – referral program platform
  • Crowdtap – Influencer Marketing platform
  • Helloworld – promotions, loyalty, mobile, live events, analytics
  • Scaledrone – service for pushing messages to browsers
  • – retargeting and marketing automation for commerce

Content Marketing Tools



Social Monitoring

Social Media Marketing

  • Sprinklr – social media marketing and mgmt software
  • Socialbakers – social media marketing and mgmt software
  • ZohoSocial – social media marketing and mgmt software
  • HootSuite – social media dashboard
  • Buffer – schedule and manage social media posts and analyze performance
  • Postcron – schedule posts on Twitter or Facebook
  • Later – plan and schedule Instagram posts
  • Tweetdeck – twitter real-time tracking, organizing, and engagement
  • Socialoomph – schedule and monitor social media activity
  • Friends+Me – schedule social media posts
  • Crowdfire – publish and curate content

Email Marketing/Blasting

Transactional Email

Email Sender Reputation

Sender Score – reputation mgmt for email senders

Email Testing

  • Litmus – email previews and email analytics
  • Glockapps – spam testing tools for email
  • MailTester – test the spamyneess of your email

Social Acquisition

  • Woobox – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social sweepstakes and coupons


  • Bunchball – gamification for user engagement and loyalty
  • Hoopla – motivate employees, increase sales productivity
  • Badgeville – gamification platform
  • Gigya – social plugins, gamification
  • Spinify  -leaderboards using your own data to motivate teams

Loyalty Programs

  • RewardStream – loyalty, customer referral
  • 500Friends – customer loyalty program for ecommerce
  • NextBee – customer referral and loyalty programs
  • BigDoor – gamified loyalty and reward programs
  • UrbanAirship – push marketing for mobile


  • TeamViewer – remote support, remote access, online collaboration
  • Pastebin – store and share text snippets online
  • Collect – collect and manage client documents
  • Hipchat – private group chat & IM for business and teams
  • Yammer – private social network for companies
  • Google AppsEmail, Chat, Docs
  • LibreOffice – free wordprocessor, spreadsheet, drawing, presentation, pdf maker and database office suite
  • Skype– free voice and video communication tool
  • Fuzebox – web/mobile online conferencing
  • Dialpad Meetings – online conference with visual icons
  • ProfiConf – HD video conference in a browser
  • Typewithme – document collaboration tool
  • Unison – group communication to send group emails as well as SMS messages
  • Google Hangouts – Googles uber Skype
  • Evernote – remember everything
  • Campfire – team collaboration
  • RealTimeBoard – online whiteboard & collaboration tool
  • Wikispaces – wikis for everyone
  • Slideshare – share Powerpoints and docs with customers
  • – free screen sharing
  • Ning – Create your own social network
  • Doodle – online group scheduling
  • Freeconferencecall.comFree conference calls – awesome!
  • Speek – easy to setup conference calls, file sharing
  • Syncpad – real time mobile collaborative whiteboard
  • Piktochart – make infographics
  • Stormboard– online brainstorming and collaboration
  • Meldium– access all your apps with one click

Personal Cloud Storage

  • Dropboxfree store, sync, and, share files online.
  • Tresorit – secure dropbox alternative
  • Google Drive – cloud storage and file backup
  • iCloud – Apple store everything in the cloud
  • OneDrive – Microsoft store everything in the cloud
  • Box – online file sharing

On-line Q&A / Development Communities

User On-boarding

  • UserOnboard – how web apps handle their signup experiences
  • AppCues – on boarding academy

Wireframing Tools

  • Read this UX tutorial first – Alan Wells
  • Great list of rapid prototyping tools here – dan harrelson
  • Web Starter Kit – Google
  • Web Fundamentals – Google
  • Figma  – team design of product mockups
  • POP – Prototyping on paper for mobile phones – awesome
  • Keynotopia – use PowerPoint/Keynote to create web/mobile apps – Cool!
  • Lean Design – design using HTML5-editor and automatically convert it to XHTML/CSS
  • Saas – CSS Extension Language
  • Balsamiq– rapid wireframing tool. software mockups in minutes
    • Napkee – export Balsamiq Mockups to HTML/CSS/JS and Adobe Flex 3 at a click of a button
  • Justinmindmac/pc mobile and web highly interactive prototypes
  • Figma – collaborative interface design tool
  • Heflo – business process modeling
  • FluidU/I – mobile prototypes for IOS
  • Briefs – mac prototyping tool for iOS
  • Flinto–  web prototyping tool for iOS and Android from your screen designs
  • Invision – web and mobile iOS and android prototyping & collaboration tools for design
  • – web prototyping tool for iOS and Android
  • Solidify – web prototyping clickable mobile prototypes
  • Axure – mac/pc wireframe software & mockup tool
  • Irise – wireframes and prototypes. Inline requirements management. Real-time collaboration
  • Protoshare – web prototyping tools for web & mobile wireframing
  • Pidoco – online wire framing
  • AppCooker – iOS mockup, wireframe or prototype
  • – draw diagrams online
  • Moqups – HTML5 App used to create wireframes, mockups or UI concepts
  • MxGraph – client side JavaScript diagramming library
  • Sketch – professional digital design for the mac
  • Pencil– Firefox add-on to do GUI prototyping and simple sketching
  • Lumzy – quick mockup creation and prototyping
  • CSS Hat – Turn Photoshop layers into CSS3
  • Mockflow – online/offline, extensible wireframing tool w/design library
  • OmniGraffle – it’s been around before the web even existed
  • Wirify – turn any webpage into a wireframe
  • LucidChartCloud-based drawing tool
  • LucidPress – Cloud-based create and print digital documents
  • Cacoo – free online drawing tool
  • HotGloo – Online Wireframing Tool
  • Mocksup – Share your web site mockups
  • Mockingbird – Mock it up and share web site wireframes
  • Creately – online diagraming and collaboration
  • Gliffy – Online Diagraming
  • Keynotopia – wireframing + high fidelity (pixel perfect) prototyping tool
  • Free Wireframe templates for iPhone, iPad and Web
  • Wireframing Tutorial

Markdown – text to HTML Text Style editor

  • Markdown – John Gruber’s original markdown syntax
  • Mastering Markdown –  github
  • CommonMark – strongly specified, highly compatible implementation of Markdown
  • BabelMark2 – tool for comparing the output of various implementations of John Gruber’s markdown syntax
  • MDtest – Michael Fortin’s test suite for Markdown implementations
  • Mou – markdown editor for Mac
  • Markdown editors for Windows
  • Marked – provides a preview of your Markdown as you work in a text editor
  • Dillinger – free online markdown editor that syncs with Dropbox, Google Drive and Github.

Web Drawing Libraries

  • Paperjs – vector graphics scripting framework runs on HTML5 Canvas
  • Processingjs – vector graphics scripting framework runs on HTML5 Canvas
  • Verb -Javascript CAD Library for manipulating NURB surfaces on the web
  • CGAL – Computational Geometry Algorithms Library – gold standard for geometric libraries

Web Screen Scraping Tools

  • – screen scraper and crawler – free

Word Cloud Generators

  • Taxedo – word cloud with styles
  • WordMosaic – create word cloud inside your own symbol/picture
  • Yippy – create world cloud for your blog-generates html and matches blog style
  • Worldle – word cloud generator
  • Worditout – word cloud generator
  • VocabGrabber – word cloud plus visual thesaurus – really useful

Website Usability Testing/Heatmaps/Mouse Tracking

  • Usertesting – $39 live users testing your site – cheap
  • ProdThink – test a feature before you code it
  • YouEye – usability testing with webcam eye tracking
  • Validately – Test a feature before you write code
  • LuckyOrange – affordable usability testing, heat maps, polls, visitor map
  • Experimently – heat maps, A/B testing experiments
  • Nelio A/B Testing – WordPress conversion optimization. Test headlines, posts, pages, widgets, themes, heatmaps
  • Crowdsourced Testing – just like it sounds
  • SessionCam – session replay, heat maps, conversion funnels
  • FiveSecondTest – fine-tune landing pages
  • TryMyUI– watch videos of users using your site
  • FeedbackArmy – $20 website usability testing
  • WhatUsersDo – UK live usability testing
  • Clicktale – watch live clicks and browsing, optimize usability
  • Usabilla – Micro usability tests
  • OptimalWorkshop – tool suite for remote user research
  • Clickheat – heat map of a website (where do users click)
  • Mouseflow – attention heatmaps, mouse tracking and video playback
  • Clixpy – tracks users clicks and browsing
  • Openhallway – lets you remotely record user test scenarios
  • InspectLet – Usability testing/Heat Maps and screen capture
  • UsabilityTools – discover user needs, increase conversion rates
  • ReviewbyOthers – get reviews of your website, blog, etc.
  • LookTracker – eye tracking maps
  • Omniconvert – A/B tests, personalizations and advanced segmentation

Emotion Analytics

  • Affectiva – Test content for emotional engagement by facial analysis
  • Emotient – facial expression recognition software
  • Realeyes – measure peoples emotions via a webcam
  • Sension – use webcams as a visual interface for interacting with content

Mobile Usability Testing/Heatmaps/Build Tools

  • Amazon Mobile SDK– build mobile apps, mobile-optimized connectors to AWS data streaming, storage and database services
  • HeatData – heatmaps for Mobile website
  • – Heatmaps for IOS apps
  • – A/B testing for Mobile Apps
  • Taplytics – A/B testing on IOS without app store updates
  • Apptimize – mobile A/B testing for iOS and Android
  • TestFlight – IOS beta testing on the fly
  • Elusivestars – mobile app testing for developers
  • Testin – cross platform automated app testing solutions
  • Pusher – hosted API for realtime mobile/web apps
  • PerfectoMobile – mobile app testing
  • MobiReady – testing tool evaluates website mobile-readiness
  • Compuware – test your website for “mobile ready”
  • Rigor – test/monitor performance of mobile apps/websites
  • W3C Mobile OK – test your website for mobile
  • Google Page Speed – test your mobile speed
  • AppMockUpTools – iPhone App Mockups
  • Bugclipper – plug n play bug reporting library  capture screen shots, highlight issues & record screen activity
  • Appery – Cloud-based HTML5, jQuery Mobile & Hybrid Mobile App Builder for Android, iOS and Windows Phone

Website A/B and Landing Page Testing

Website/Browser Testing

Website Performance Testing

  • NewRelic – manage and tune website performance for Rails
  • DareBoost – Test, Analyze and Optimize your website
  • WebPageTest – website speed test from multiple locations around the world
  • Google Pagespeed – performance recommendations
  • PingDom – uptime and user monitoring
  • Super Monitoring – uptime and basic website functions monitoring
  • SpeedCurve – front-end performance benchmarking
  • Monitive – site uptime monitoring
  • Monitor – free website monitoring
  • Webmon – website monitoring and escalation

Website Designers

  • 99 Designs – marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design
  • IconFinder – great way to find free graphic icons on the web
  • FindIcons – 400,000+ icons on the web
  • xScope – measure, align and inspect on-screen graphics and layouts
  • Scoutzle – curated community for the best mobile designers

Website Design Tools

Phone/SMS Cloud Apps

  • Twilio – add mobile and sms to your app
  • Tropo – Cloud API for adding voice and sms to your app
  • Callfire – add voice and sms to your app
  • Voxeo – voice recognition and IVR to your app
  • Jajah -telephony api
  • PlumVoice– IVR Systems

Photo/Video Analysis Tools

Voice Analysis Tools

Learning to Code

Reverse-Engineering Tools

  • Ghidra – NSA open-source reverse engineering tool
  • IDA Pro / HexRays– disassembler with debugger and plugin programming environment
  • JEB – disassembly, decompilation, debugging, and analysis of code and document files
  • BinaryNinja – reverse engineering platform
  • Hopper Disassembler for MacOs and Linux
  • Radare – Disassembler
  • Binja – Binary Ninja plugin to decompile binaries using RetDec API
  • Retdecretargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM

Application Frameworks

  • Bento – everything you need to know about web development
  • BlackDuck – open source security and license mgmt
  • Really Helpful Guide to technology choices – Danny Boice
  • Web Application Frameworks – start here
  • Comparison of Web Application Frameworks – continue here
  • Visual Basic, PHP, Rails, Node.js next? – Andrew Chen
  • – open source libraries, modules and frameworks
  • Bazel – Build and test software of any size
    • Skylark – configurationlanguage used in Basel
    • Skylark – implemented in Go
  • PHP
  • Python
    • Top 15 Python Libraries for Data Science – KDnuggets
    • WSGI tutorials (Web Server Gateway Interface)
    • Django – high-level Python framework
    • NumbaPro – high performance python with nvidia cuda acceleration
    • Pycharm – Python/Django Integrated Dev Environment
    • Fabric – django deployment tool
    • Numpy – core library for scientific computing with Python
      • Scipy – functions that operate on numpy arrays
    • Twisted – implement custom network apps, event-driven networking engine written in Python
    • Tornado – Python web framework and asynchronous networking library
    • Web2py – Pythonweb framework
    • Bobo – light-weight framework to create WSGI web applications for python
    • Bottle – lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python
    • CherryPy – minimalist Python web framework
    • Flask – microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2
    • Pyramid -microframework for Python
    • itty-bitty – itty-bitty Python web framework
    • – web framework for Python
    • WheezyWeb – lightweight, high performance, high concurrency WSGI web framework
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript/JScript
    • Node.js –  event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on V8
      • Express.js – web development for Node.js
      • Angularjs – an open-source JavaScript framework,  assists with running single-page applications
      • Backbone.js –  RESTful JSON interface and is based on MVP
      • Flatiron – framework for web apps with Javascript and Node.js
      • Hapi – server frameworks for Node.js for web apps & services
      • Koa – middleware for Node.js using generators
      • Partial.js – web application framework for node.js
      • Socketstream – node.js web framework for real-time single page apps
      • Stack Abuse – tutorials on using Node.js
      • nam – tools for the npm package manager
    • JSON – lightweight data-interchange format, subset of Javascript
    • SproutCore – open-source JavaScript framework
    • jQuery – cross-browser JavaScript library
    • Cappuccino – JS development framework
    • Turf – JavaScript library for spatial analysis
    • Grunt – Javascript task runner
      • Broccoli – build tool for applications that run in the browser
      • Gulp – streaming Build system
    • JSFiddle – preselect/add JavaScript frameworks and test your code
    • React.js – Javascript library for building user interfaces
      • Relay – Facebook framework provides data-fetching functionality for React apps
    • Breeze.js – rich data management for Javascript clients
    • Knockout.js – dynamic UI’s with Model-View-Model pattern
    • Mithril – client-side Javascript Framework
    • Ember.js – Javascript library for creating ambitious web applications
    • Handlebars – build semantic templates
    • Modernizr – javascript library with feature detection for HTML5/CSS3
    • SWFObject – embed Flash with one Javascript file
    • Baseline for front end developers – good summary
  • Clojure – dynamic programming language, compiles directly to java virtual machine bytecode
  • Adobe ColdFusion
    • AdobeColdFusion – application server offers to build and deploy web and mobile applications
  • The Go Programming Language
  • Electron – Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies
    • PhotonKit – beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
  • Apache Thrift – cross-language services dev between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml and Delphi and others
  • Polymer – web components
  • Parse – cloud-based app development framework
  • Drupal – open source content management platform
  • Firebug – edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page
  • Fiddler – Debug web traffic from any Windows-based PC, Mac or Linux system, and mobile devices
  • Joomla – another open source content management system
  • Learn to Code – Stanford Computer Science classes – free
  • Rust – systems programming language
  • SumoLogic – analytics for the entire application stack

Create Mobile Apps Automagically

  • Xamarin – create native iOS, Android, and Windows apps
  • Codenameone – Write code in Java(tm) using Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ/IDEA move to iOS, Android, and Windows
  • Appcelerator – Write in JavaScript, run native everywhere
  • AppPress – make a mobile app without coding
  • Bubble – enables your to program web and mobile apps without code
  • appery – mobile app builder and MBaaS

Apple iOS and MacOs Development

Android Development

Microsoft Development

Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Data Science


Machine Learning Tutorials

Machine Learning Tools

  • Torch – scientific computing framework with wide support for machine learning algorithms – from Facebook
  • Yahoo Webscope – machine learning datasets
  • Apache Mahout – Random Decision Forest classifier
  • BidData Suite
    • Overview – John Canny, Huasha Zhao
    • BIDMach – CPU and GPU-accelerated Machine Learning Library to build and use machine learning models
    • BIDMat – CPU / GPU-accelerated matrix library for data mining
  • Java Libraries
  • NVIDIA CUDA – parallel computing platform and programming model
  • cuBLAS: GPU-accelerated version of the complete standard BLAS library
  • MATLAB: Easy-to-use HPC language integrating computation, visualization, and programming
    • Deepmat – Matlab Code for Restricted/Deep Boltzmann Machines and Autoencoders
    • DeepLearningToolbox – Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets
    • ConvNet – Convolutional Neural Networks for Matlab
  • cxxnet: Neural network toolkit
  • ConvNetjs – Javascript library for training Deep Learning models (mainly Neural Networks) in your browser
  • SigOpt – tunes machine learning algorithms with Bayesian optimization
  • Probabilistic Programming for Advancing Machine Learning (PPAML)
  • Algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning
  • UCI Machine Learning Repository – 120k instances, each described by 13 feature types, with class information, useful for exploring multiview topics (cotraining, ensembles, clustering,..)
  • Stanford large network dataset collection
  • SparkBeyond – predictive analytics
  • Revolution R – statistic programming language
  • Kaggle – competitions, predictive analysis, tutorials
  • CrowdAnalytix – Crowdsourced analytics
  • DrivenData – crowdsourced statistical model for difficult predictive social problems
  • MLcomp – compare machine learning programs across various datasets for multiple problem domains
  • Dato – build intelligent apps fast with the power of Dato’s machine learning platform
  • Z3 Theorem Prover – open source
  • Sirius – open source intelligent personal assistant, image/speech
  • Pachyderm – containerized data analytics
  • PredictionIO – an open-source machine learning server – create predictive engines for production environments (Spark, HBase, and Spray)
  • Datameer – end-to-end big data analytics application purpose-built for HadoopInSpread – sophisticated analysis even if you’re not a data scientist
  • Yhathq – predictive models and data-science in a box
  • Palantir – large scale data fusion analytics and visualization
  • Data Robot – nontraditional consulting firm that gets clients up and running quickly and makes them self-sufficient with predictive modeling platform (R, Python, Hadoop, Spark)
  • Popily – go from spreadsheets to discoveries while you grab a cup of coffee
  • Deep Learning/Machine Learning/Data Science Blogs

machine intelligence

machine learning skills

Data Science/Big Data Analytics / Log Management

  • Anaconda – enterprise data science platform – 200 data science Python libraries
  • rStudio – professional software for R
  • – Hosted ELK as a Service
  • OpenRefine – data cleaning and exploring for large data sets
  • Apache Airflow – author workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks
  • H20 – implementations of the most popular statistical and machine learning algorithms
  • Splunk – log mgmt searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data
  • Sumo Logic – log analytics platform
  • Loggly – mine log data in real time
  • ElasticLogstash – open-source log management
  • RapidMiner – analytics platform, data mining, machine learning
  • DataRPM – machine analytics for big data
  • Metamind – deep learning for the enterprise
  • Wandora – knowledge management application

Autonomous Vehicles

Speech Recognition

Computer Vision/Image Recognition/Facial recognition/biometrics

  • OpenImages – Google 9million image dataset annotated URL’s over 6000 categories
  • Caletch 101 – Pictures of objects belonging to 101 categories. About 40 to 800 images per category
  • Great paper – Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine
  • Clarifai -Machine Intelligence API for mobile devices
  • Torch/fbcunn – examples to train classifiers over ImageNet
  • Pixy – Open source vision system, connects to Arduino
  • Camfind – Image Recognition API
  • Sirius – open source Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant
  • – real-time vision servers and clusters
    • VMX – real-time object detection and recognition system
  • Kitware – open source image and video retrieval platforms
    • KWIVER – support for Kitware –
  • MotionDSP – GPU, realtime video enhancement and forensics
  • Blogs
  • Moodstocks – image search against a database of references you supply; mobile app developer platform
  • Blinkfire – uses computer vision to measure media value and impact for sports teams
  • – visual search, image and retail item identification for retailers and brands
  • ImageVision – big data for images and videos
  • ViSenze – visual search technology
  • OpenALPR – open automatic license plate reader software

Facial Recognition / Biometrics

AI market

Text Analysis Tools/Natural Language Platforms

Natural Language Generation

Social Mining

  • Dataminr – focused on Twitter streaming I&W.  limited to 14 day retro.
  • Topsy – Twitter search, monitoring and analytics
  • Social Crawlytics – user influencer and content marketing tool
  • Metamind – deep-learning experts for sentiment


  • ZeroFox – harness social data to improve information security
  • RedOwl – behavioral analytics security software
  • – find and stop attacks on your data
  • Area 1 Security – combat spear-fishing attacks in a clever way
  • Hyperion Gray – mass fuzzing of the internet and darknet profiles
  • Fireeye – Cybersecurity and malware prevention – machine learning for intrusion detection
  • Digital Stakeout – real time threat intelligence platform



  • GeoMesa open-source system that stores, indexes, and queries hundreds of billions of geospatial features in a distributed database (Accumulo)
  • GeoWave leverages the scalability of a distributed key-value store for effective storage, retrieval, and analysis of massive geospatial datasets
  • LocationTech – working group developing advanced location aware technologies

Physics Engines for games/robotics

  • Graph Network Simulators – fluid dynamics using AI
  • dm_control – DeepMind Python libraries/task suites for physics-based RL agents in articulated-body simulation
  • Box2D – 2d physics engine for games
  • Bullet – physics simulation engine
  • ncollide – 2D & 3D collision library for the Rust language
  • Chipmunk– 2D real-time rigid body physics engine
  • Chrono:EngineC++ simulation library
  • Farseer – based on Box2D w/collision detection
  • Havok – collision detection and physics engine
  • Matter.js – JavaScript 2D rigid body physics engine for the web
  • Metali – 3D physics engine
  • Moby – multi-body dynamics simulation library written in C++
  • Newton – life-like physics simulation library
  • Open Dynamics Engine – library for simulating rigid body dynamics
  • p2.js – JavaScript 2D physics library
  • PhysX – Nvidia open source physics engine
  • Physics Abstraction Layer (PAL) – unified interface to a number of different physics engines
  • PhysicsJS – physics engine for javascript
  • OpenTissue – algorithms and data structures for rapid development of interactive modeling and simulation
  • Tokamak – real time physics engine
  • TrueAxis – real time physics engine
  • Proteus – A Python toolkit for toolkit for computational fluid and solid mechanics simulation

Simulation/Game AI Engines

  • Stage –sophisticated simulation scenarios across massive gaming areas
  • Artificial Contender – AI middleware for behavior-capture
  • Cyntient AI – AI middleware
  • DI-Guy – human simulation software
  • Gameware – AI middleware, NavMesh generation, hierarchical pathfinding, and path following
  • Masa Life – AI middleware, design how characters behave and how they interact with the world
  • Rain – AI character engine – behavior creation, automatic navigation mesh generation, and animation control
  • SimBionic – create intelligent behavior for games and simulations
  • SpirOps – AI middleware for crowd simulations
  • Kerbal – space program simulation

DARPA Open Source

DOD Funding Sources

Space/NASA Open Source


Cloud Services and Tools

  • Windows Azure – Microsoft Cloud Platform
  • Scalr – cloud management tool
  • mcrouter – facebook memcached protocol router for scaling memcached deployments
  • Joyent – high performance cloud – Infrastructure as a Service


  • Rackspace – Managed and cloud hosting- Infrastructure as a Service
  • Linode – Linux SSD virtual servers in the cloud
  • DotCloud – Build and deploy any application to the cloud
  • Joppar– content mgmt for web & mobile apps
  • Firehost – secure Cloud hosting
  • Wowrack – managed Cloud hosting
  • Bitnami – one-click Cloud hosting
  • Enomaly – complete “cloud in a box” solution
  • Wistia – video hosting for businesses
  • AppDynamics – Cloud Performance Mgmt
  • Epicnms – flexible data collection and plots
  • Engine Yard – Ruby and PHP Cloud Hosting platform
  • ServerPilot – hosting control panel for PHP developers using cloud servers
  • DigitalOcean – inexpensive SSD cloud servers
  • Netflix experience in moving from datacenter to cloud

Enterprise Data Center Operating Systems

Container Orchestration System

  • Kubernetes – Manage a cluster of Linux containers as a single system from Google
  • Jenkins – open source automation server
  • Docker Swarm
  • Reef – library for data shuffle, group communication, aggregation, checkpointing, etc.
  • Slurm – open-source workload manager designed for Linux clusters
  • Mesos – distributed systems kernel up to 10,000 nodes
  • Mesosphere DCOS
  • Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS).
    • Mesosphere – distributed systems for data centers
    • YARN -Apache Hadoop NextGen MapReduce
    • Zookeeper – centralized service for config, naming, distributed synchronization, group services
    • Oozie – workflow scheduler for Hadoop
  • Workflow Monitoring Tools
    • Hue – import/export oozie workflows
    • Ambari – web app for monitoring and controlling hadoop
    • Lipstick – graphical depiction of Apache Pig workflow
  • Production Host OS

Orchestration Configuration

Data Engineering Ecosystem

Data center orchestration and configuration management tools

  • Puppet – configuration management system
  • Chef – configuration management system
  • Saltstack– cloud orchestration, server provisioning, configuration management
  • Ansible – Redhat configuration management, app deployment
  • Spinnaker – Google cloud continuous delivery
  • CFEngine – IT infrastructure automation
  • NixOS – Linux configuration management system
  • Apache Nifi – dataflow system (directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic)
  • Apache Flume – collect, aggregate and move large amounts of streaming event data
  • Apache Camel – define routing and mediation rules
  • Apache Kafka – high-throughput distributed messaging system
  • Apache Taverna – design and execute workflows
  • IBM Streams/DISTILLERY – platform for near-real-time streaming analytics

NoSQL Databases

GPU-optimized relational and column-store databases/Graph Analytics

  • Kinetica – GPU accelerated database
  • GPUdb – GPU accelerated in-memory distributed database
  • MapD – GPU database for interactive SQL querying and visualization of multi-billion record datasets
  • Blazegraph GPU accelerated graph analytics
  • BlazingDB –  GPU accelerated data warehouse
  • PG-Strom – PostgreSQL extension for GPUs

Development Tools

  • VirtualBox – x86 Virtualization
  • Perl Object Environment – Perl framework for reactive systems, cooperative multitasking, and network applications
  • Wireshark – network protocol analyzer
  • Codeacademy Labs – program in Ruby, Python, and JavaScript online without downloading a code editor or IDE
  • Koding – cloud development environment, code editor, hosting service, collaboration platform
  • CircleCi – Continuous integration and deployment tool for web apps
  • yUMLsketch uml diagrams.
  • WebSequenceDiagramssketch sequence diagrams. automatic links to generated images
  • Rietveld asynchronous code reviews on changesets
  • Fluid – turn webapps into Mac OS X apps
  • TextMate – code and markup editor
  • Coda – one-window web development app for the Mac
  • Coderunner – Edit/run code in any programming language with a click
  • SourceLair  cloud coding platform C, Python, Ruby and API
  • WebBiscuits – framework for web apps for smartphones and tablets
  • Best free programming books
  • CodeAcademy – learn to code
  • Webkit – build your own browser
  • Appery – Cloud-based HTML5, jQuery Mobile & Hybrid Mobile App Builder for Android, iOS and Windows Phone

Project Management

Open-source software hosting

  • Github – Free public repositories, collaborator management, issue tracking, wikis, downloads, code review, graphs
  • Sourceforge – Free. For open-source projects
  • JavaForge – free open source project hosting site
  • Bitbucket – free cloud hosting for Git or Mecurial projects
  • Sourcetree – free mac client for Git, Mercurial and SVN
  • Mercurial – free, distributed source code control management system
  • Aha! – product roadmap software
  • AirFocus – prioritization and roadmapping tool

Source Version Control Software

Kanban and Scrum Tools

  • Kanban versus Scrum – description
  • Kanban Tools
    • Kanban Tool – online, web-based, Kanban tool
    • KanbanFlow – free Kanban tool
    • Swift-Kanban – enterprise Kanban
    • Kanbanery – Simple online team or personal kanban board
    • LeanKit Kanban – Great for visualizing work of product development
    • Kanban Pad – “Nice and lean” and free online Kanban tool
    • CodeBeamer – Kanban and Scrum tool Application Lifecycle Management
    • Nutcache – all-in-one collaborative project management
    • Kanbanize – free Kanban software
  • Scrum Tools
  • Basecamp– web-based project management and collaboration tool
  • Confluence – Plan roadmaps, define product requirements, and centralize documentation
  • Pivotal Tracker – Agile project management tool real time collaboration
  • Wrike  – combines project management, collaboration, discussion and document sharing
  • Ansible – configuration mgmt, app deployment, continuos delivery
  • Trello – team collaboration around “boards”
  • Taskade – organization and collaboration tool for getting things done
  • Workflowy – hierarchial task manager
  • Asana – shared task list for your team
  • Wunderlist – light accountability and planning
  • Sqwiggle – all-hands meeting and updates
  • Quip – team tasking
  • Sprintly – agile collaborate>prioritize>create git integration
  • Podio – collaborative project management
  • Flow – collaborative task and project management
  • Interstate – open project management
  • Apollo – integrated project and contact management
  • Rally – agile product management
  • Blossom – lean product management
  • BrightPod – product mgmt for marketing teams
  • Trajectory – agile product mgmt, write and discuss user stories, bugs, and to-dos
  • Clarizen – cloud project mgmt tool
  • Webplanner – online collaborative project management application.
  • ChiliProject – web based project management
  • Exepron – cloud based project management
  • ProofHub – web project mgmt & collaboration
  • Kiln – Version control and code review
  • PushPinPlanner – online real-time resource planning for agile teams
  • DaPulse – cross company collaboration
  • ProdPad – proj mgmt w/road mapping
  • Producteev – web/mobile task mgmt
  • ProcedureRock – create, procedures, instructions, guides, online help
  • – Collaborative Task Manager
  • ProcessPlan – task mgmt via email
  • Redbooth -combines social networking and project management
  • ProjectManager – project planner, time/expense tracking
  • TeamCity – continuous integration/unit testing, code quality analysis, pre-tested commits, report on build problems
  • Milestone Planner – planner for deadline/outcome driven environments
  • 5pm – Online project management tool
  • TimeBill – Replicon task management tool
  • AgileZen – project management visually see and interact with your work
  • GoPlan – collaborative project management
  • Unfuddle –hosted project management solution for software teams
  • Taskpoint – online project mgmt and collaboration
  • Centroy – online project mgmt
  • Do[Box] – project mgmt, save, resuse and share project models
  • Projify – simplified project management
  • Mavenlink – manage project communications, documents, schedules, budgets, payments
  • NeuLexa – enterprise project mgmt
  • ProcedureRock – operations and procedures mgmt
  • Userlike – live chat software for websites
  • Industrial Logic – Agile eLearning
  • PMToolkit – project management templates
  • Kanbanchi – dashboard/collaboration tool for Google Apps
  • Sandglaz – online team collaboration

Product Roadmaps for Product Managers

  • Wizeline – create product roadmaps
  • Aha! – roadmapping software for product managers
  • ProdPad – create product roadmaps

Bug/Issue Tracking

  • Sentry – application monitoring and error tracking
  • Bugherd – simple issue tracking for web developers
  • Lighthouse – Issue Tracking Tool
  • Sifter – hosted bug and issue tracking
  • Toggle – time tracking tool
  • Fogbugz -bug tracking, project mgmt, customer support
  • Bontq – hosted bug tracking and project management needs
  • WakaTime – Automatic time tracking for your text editor
  • Intervals – time tracking and task management
  • Preceden – simple way to make timelines for presentations
  • RayGun – error tracking tool for software developers
  • ClickTime – online timesheets

Web Server Stress Testing

  • Google Page Speed – test your web page speed
  • Httperf– HP Web Server Performance tool
  • Siege – http load testing and benchmarking utility
  • Jmeter – java-based server load testing
  • Tourbus – ruby website load testing tool

Digital Asset Management



Self Created Products Selling Sites

  • Gumroad – sell your digital products directly to your audience
  • Etsy – buy and sell all things handmade
  • Amazon 3D printing store
  • Cafepress – buy and sell T-shirts, Personalized Gifts, Unique Mugs, Posters & More
  • Zazzle – buy and sell T-shirts, Personalized Gifts, and more
  • Folksy – buy and sell handmade gifts and crafts
  • RedBubble – art gallery & community
  • Storenvy – buy and sell goods and brands that inspire
  • Blurb – publish books

Credit Cards/Billing/Subscription Management/E-Store

  • Credit Cards/Payments
    • Square – accept credit cards from ipad/iphone/android
    • Stripe – accept credit cards on the web
    • Amazon Payments – login and pay with Amazon
    • CCBill – merchant services & credit card payments
    • GoCardless -accept direct debit payments
    • Balanced – Payments processing, escrow & payouts API
    • BancBox – Payments service platform
    • Paypal – the standard for payment
    • WePay –  payment API for platforms
    • E-Junkie – shopping cart plug-in for downloads and tangible goods
    • SendOwl – add a “Buy” button to your website
    • 2Checkout – accept payments globally; credit cards, paypal, debt cards
    • ShopLocket – ecommerce solution for hardware makers
    • Zombaio – billing for adult entertainment
    • Billpro – “high risk” merchant account & credit card processing
    • Braintree – online credit card merchant processing
    • Paymill – accept online payments on the web
    • FeeFighters – find the cheapest credit card processors
    • Venmo – make and share payments on your phone

Payments startups

  • Bitcoin/Crypto Currencies

  • Ethereal – Blockchain app platform – like Bitcoin w/o the arguments
  • Counterparty – financial tools built with Bitcoin
  • Coingate – cryptocurrency payment company
  • – Bitcoin news
  • – enterprise Bitcoin infrastructure
  • Toshi – open source Bitcoin node
  • OpenBazaar – decentrailized peer-to-peer marketplace for trading with anyone with Bitcoin
  • Lazooz – crypto currency for real-time ride sharing
  • – Bitcoin Payment processor
  • WeUseCoins– accept Bitcoins as payment
  • Stellar – decentralized protocol for sending and receiving money in any pair of currencies
  • Coincenter – public policy issues on Bitcoin

periodic table of payments

  • Fraud Detection
  • Subscription Services
    • Memberful – sell memberships to your audience
    • ChartMogul – subscription analytics and revenue reporting
    • Cloudware City – online app store for subscription services
    • argebee – subscription & reoccurring billing
    • Recurly – Subscription billing
    • Spreedly – sell subscriptions on your site. signup, upgrade, trial pricing
    • Zuora – online subscription management
  • Online Store and Marketplace Creation
    • Shopify – create an online store
    • BigCommerce – ecommerce software & shopping cart
    • Yahoo Small Business – hosted ecomerce website
    • Volusion – shopping cart software, ecommerce & hosting
    • Lemonstand – cloud eCommerce platform for stores that do over 6 figures in sales
    • WooCommerce – free commerce toolkit for wordpress
    • Nearme – create your own branded marketplace
    • Bizwebs – create an online store
    • Shoprocket – sell on a website, blog or Facebook Page using a single line of code
    • Estoreify – create your own online store in just 5 minutes
    • Selz – sell on Facebook, WordPress, from any website w/PayPal
    • IndieMade – Create an artist website with a store, blog, galleries
    • BigCartel – shopping cart for artists, designers, bands, record labels, jewelry, crafters
    • SquareSpace – build a website with commerce
    • EStoreApp – a webstore in 5 minutes
    • PinnacleCart – shopping cart software, ecommerce & hosting
    • CoreCommerce – online store & shopping cart software
    • Fortune3 – shopping cart software, ecommerce & hosting
    • EKMPowershop – create an online store using templates
    • Paddle – create an online store for games, apps and content
    • Retargeting – trigger live and email responses based on consumer behavior in online stores
  • Donations
  • Postmaster – Integrate package shipping, tracking  and notification into your app

Customer Support/Feedback/Engagement

  • Nirror – live support/watch playback of customer actions on your site
  • Conversica – AI software for marketing, virtual sales assistant
  • Tender – support, knowledgebase tool for your site
  • GetSatisfaction – conversations between companies / customers
  • Triibe – incentive-based customer service
  • HelpJuice – knowledge base to scale customer support and collaboration between teams
  • Zendesk – web help software
  • Raaft – customer retention feedback
  • – machine learning for customer success
  • Rollio – CRM now listens via Natural Language Processing
  • Drift  - Chat widget for websites
  • Clickdesk – Help desk, live chat, social toolbar
  • Zopim – real time customer support/live chat
  • HelpScout – simple setup, easy integration, help desk software
  • Desk – from Salesforce, easy and simple; email/social/chat/phone
  • SnapEngage – live chat integrates with your apps
  • Freshdesk – completely unique never seen before web help software
  • Olark – live customer chat and customer loyalty
  • LiveChat – live customer chat, archives of conversations
  • Groove – simple online Help Desk
  • VisitorEngage – behavioral-based feedback button, surveys & website notifications
  • Assistly – Support customers by Web, email, chat, and social networks
  • Vision Helpdesk – Support for multiple companies from one place
  • OneDesk – ideation to delivery and support issues, tickets, tasks
  • HappyFox – collate, categorize and respond to all requests
  • CustomerSure –  online customer service, feedback into retention
  • HelpSpot – Helpdesk software
  • Webengage – engagement; website survey, feedback and notification tool
  • SupportBee – help customers via email, robust ticketing
  • JitBit – Help desk ticketing system, cloud and on premises versions
  • HelpRace – helpdesk, knowledge base and a feedback community in one platform
  • NetHelpDesk – Exchange sync, Smartphone apps

Testimonials/Social Reviews

  • PostKudos – collect customer testimonials
  • Yotpo – social reviews for eCommerce
  • Kayako – Help desk
  • UserVoice – turn customer feedback into action
  • Kampyle – turn customer feedback into sales and relationships

Recruiting Tools


Password Managers

Password API’s

  • Authy – add two-factor authentication to your sites
  • Userbin – add two-factor authentication to your sites

Misc Office Help

Phone Systems


  • InDinero – easy business finance software
  • Brex – free Business cash account and credit cards
  • ZenPayroll – delightful employee payroll software
  • Sheets – free time card calculator
  • WagePoint – online payroll for small businesses
  • Freshbooks – cloud accounting and invoicing
  • Gusto – payroll software for accountants
  • Autotax – eFile IRS 1099 forms
  • Expensify – billing, expenses, receipts
  • BambooHR – Employee Records, Benefit Information, Payroll Data, etc.
  • Harvest – online time tracking
  • ezClocker – small business employee time tracking
  • Xobni – Outlook plugin to search
  • Think-Cell – Powerpoint (windows) plug-in for advanced charting
  • QuoteRoller – create, deliver and negotiate proposals online
  • WordsRU – proofreading and editing service
  • iProsh – manage your office and workspace online
  • RescueTime – time mgmt software, work/life balance
  • Boomerang – scheduled sending and email reminders for gmail
  • TradeAbility – free tool from UPS – estimate costs and duty fees and international shipping restrictions
  • Freemind – free mind-mapping software
  • FoxOMS – resource mgmt and scheduling for film, TV and creative businesses
  • FindStringers – freelance journalism marketplace

cb insights unbundling fedex

Outsourcing/Freelance Help

  • Amazon Mechanical Turk – set up any task and get answers
  • Owork – find/hire freelancers
  • SkillsHive – become a/hire freelancer online
  • Upwork – hire low-cost international engineering talent
  • Gigster – hire a quality developer
  • Freelancer – outsourcing for small business
  • VWorker – find/hire freelancers
  • GroupTalent – developers and designers on demand
  • BusinessTalentGroup – consultants and executives on demand
  • Tongal – get creative work -TV commercials, social videos, music videos, branded entertainment on demand
  • Handy – outsource home cleaning, Ikea assembly, handyman
  • TaskRabbit – outsource errands and skilled tasks
  • Medicast – house call doctors on demand

Chips/Hardware Resources/Tools


  • ROS – Robot Operating System – open source framework for writing robot software
  • Artoo – Ruby micro-framework for robotics based on sinatra
  • Gazebo – 3d Robot simulation software
  • MRPT – Mobile robotics C++ libraries
  • OpenPilot – Open Source UAV autopilot
  • Paparazzi – open-source hardware and software  autopilot  for fixedwing & multicopters
  • DIYDrones – community for amateur UAV’s
  • QGroundControl – open source UAV ground control operator station
  • DroneDeploy – outsourced drones
  • Navio+ – raspberry pi autopilot
  • Dronebase – Get imagery & video via drone
  • Prandtl – physics-based CAD for drones

Software Defined Radio (SR)

  • HackRF SDR Tutorial – great intro to SDR
  • Guide to Software Defined Radio – LuaRadio
  • Software Defined Radio Basic Tutorial – Schuyler St. Leger at Desert Code Camp
  • GNU Radio – open source software defined radio
    • GqrxSDR – open source SDR built on GNU Radio
    • GRSatellites – GNU Satellite telemetry decoders built on GNU Radio
  • NooElec – $20 USB RTL-SDR Receiver R820T2 tuner 25MHz-1750MHz
  • HDSDR –  freeware Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10.
  • HDSDR on OSX – freeware Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Mac OS X
  • ETTUS Research – hardware for software defined radio
  • HackRF – software defined radio 10 MHz to 6 GHz
    • HackRF One – software defined radio half-duplex transceiver, 1 MHz – 6 GHz
    • rad10 – SDR half-duplex transceiver, 50 MHz – 4 GHz works with HackRF
  • OsmoSDR – Software based small form-factor inexpensive Software Defined Radio
  • LimeSDR – open source SDR
  • Nuanced – USB 3.0 software defined radio 300MHz – 3.8GHz
  • FUNCube dongle – software defined radio 150kHz to 1.9GHz 
  • BladeRf x40 – low-cost USB 3.0 Software Defined Radio
  • Ethos Research – software defined radio development platforms
  • SDR Showdown – HackRF vs bladeRF vs USRP tutorial
  • FlexRadio – software defined radio for ham operators
  • LoRa Alliance – low power wide area network
  • Sigfox –  cellular tech for IoT
  • Ingenu – dedicated IoT connection
  • Beep Networks – real world data to the cloud
  • RTL-SDR – news and projects blog
  • GNURadioCompanion – a graphical tool for creating signal flow graphs and generating flow-graph source code


  • AudioKit – audio synthesis, processing and analysis
  • Essentia – open-source C++ library for audio analysis and audio-based music information retrieval
  • Csound – a C-based audio programming language
  • SuperCollider – environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition

Contract Manufacturers/Startup Design/Prototype/Manufacturing Consultants/Helpers

  • Macrofab – software platform view into a contract manufacturer
  • Fusion PCB – hardware platform for Makers
  • Jiga – contract CNC machining, 3D printing, and sheet metal parts
  • PCH – product design, engineering/development, manufacturing, packaging,  fulfillment, etc
  • Proto Services – ISO 9001/2000 certified manufacturing in Silicon Valley
  • The Build Shop – 3D printing and Laser cutting shop in LA
  • Get it Made  – CNC Machining in the UK
  • MakeSimply – sourcing and manufacturing services
  • Jatco – plastic molding and manufacturing in Silicon Valley
  • Studio Fathom – Prototype Fabrication & Bridge-to-Production Services
  • Fictiv  – order 3D parts easily for hardware prototyping
  • Dix Metals provider of precision-cut, machine-ready blanks
  • Tempo Automation – desktop pick and place robot automates surface mount assembly
  • Dragon Innovation – works with startups to provide a clear from prototype through production with manufacturing expertise and trusted connections
  • MakeSimply – idea to production, simplified – get MVPs, get products into production

Electronic Prototyping

  • AIY Projects – Google AI hardware kits
  • UP AI Edge – low cost AI hardware kits
  • Lady Ada – embedded applications and kits
  • Adafruit – embedded applications and kits
  • Learn AdaFruit – AdaFruit Learning System
  • Arduino – open source hardware platform
    • Arduino products
    • Machina – Aduino +OBD2
    • TinyGPS – Arduino GPS/NMEA Parser
    • Pinocchio – wireless Arduino- microcontroller with WiFi, mesh networking, and battery
    • EspoTek Labrador – $29 All-in-one USB Oscilloscope, Signal Generator, Power Supply, Logic Analyzer and Multimeter
  • Raspberry Pi – low cost credit-card sized computer boards
  • Nvida Jetson Nano – $89 AI development board
  • Sony Spresense – ioT development, GPS, ARM Cortex uses Arduino IDE or NuttX SDK
  • Other inexpensive ARM Boards
  • Sparkfun –  general components
  • Snapdragon – Qualcomm
  • Spark – hackable wifi and cellular modules
    • Electron –  cellular development kit with a SIM card and data plan
    • Core – Wi-Fi development kit based on Texas Instrument’s CC3000
    • Photon – $19 Wi-Fi development kit for creating connected projects and products
  • ARM
  • Lattice FPGAs – low cost FPGA
  • AVR 8-bit Microcontrollers – cheap and easy 8-bit and 32-bit Microcontrollers
    • AVRdude – utility to download/upload/ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers
  • Nordic – bluetooth programming platform
  • Stak – OS for smart devices
  • COSMOS – Ball Aerospace User Interface for Command and Control of Embedded Systems
  • Building your first Printed Circuit Boards (PCB’s) Particle
  • Printed Circuit Boards (PCB’s) printers
  •  Printed Circuit Boards (PCB’s) assembly/manufacturing 
  • PCB Design Tools
  • Integrated Design Environment (IDE)
    • PSoC Creator -hardware/firmware editing, compiling, debugging of PSoC 3/4, 4 BLE, PRoC BLE, PSoC 5LP and FM0+ systems
    • STM32Cube – IDE for STM32
    • SW4STM32 – free system workbench for STM32: free IDE on Windows, Linux and OS X
  • Circuit Simulation Tools
    • CircuitLabs – schematic editor and circuit simulator
    • Yosys – open source Verilog synthesis suite
    • arachne – open source Place and route tool for FPGAs
    • PartSim – online SPICE circuit simulator
    • LTSPICE4 – free analog SPICE simulator
    • ADS –  design automation software for RF, microwave, high speed digital, and power electronics
    • EasyEDA – circuit simulation, PCB design, Electronic circuit design online for free
    • DoCircuits – schematic editor and circuit simulator
    • CEDAR – logic simulator
    • Quiet – circuit simulator with GUI
    • CiruitMod – circuit simulator
    • Falstad – In browser circuit simulator
    • ELN – minecraft mod for in-game circuit simulation
    • Ansys HFSS – electromagnetic (EM) simulation software for wireless and RF
    • Ansys SIwave – design platform for power integrity, signal integrity and EMI analysis of IC packages and PCBs
  • Power Supply Design Tools
  • HardwareHacker – DIY Basic projects
  • Hacked Gadgets – DIY Tech
  • HackersCatalog – technical bookstore
  • Hackaday,io – hardware projects
  • – hardware blog
  • Teensy – USB development board
  • Hopper – OSX and Linux disassembler
  • Binwalk – firmware analysis tool
  • Intel Edison – computer board w/atom processor, wifi, open source tools
  • LittleBits – DIY electronics for prototypes and learning
  • CircuitStickers – peel and stick electronics. great for kids 1st projects
  • DangerousPrototype – open source hardware projects
  • Fritzing – opensource hardware community
  • Beagle Board – Open. ARM. Low cost, low power, open hardware expandible computer running latest Ubuntu and Android.
  • Saleae – Low cost logic analyzer
  • Hardware Debugging and monitoring tools
  • Microsemi (Actel) smartfusion: A low power development board full of peripherals and an FPGA chip
  • FPGA Wiki – Hamsterworks
  • FPGA Development Boards Review – Joel Williams

Electronics Component Suppliers

Manufacturing Resources

unbundling Honeywell

3D Printers

Building information modeling

  • Autodesk Revit – BIM solutions
  • FreeCAD – opensource parametric 3d CAD modeler
  • CadQuery  -python library for building parametric 3D CAD models
  • Vectorworks – 2/3D CAD and BIM solution
  • SketchUp – Google 3D modeling
  • BIMx – sharing hypermodels
  • BIMcloud – BIM in the Cloud
  • AllPlan – EU BIM software
  • OpenBIM – home of Open BIM collaboration via the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format

Low cost 3D/CAM Software

auto startups

3D Printing Services

3d printer market

Custom Machine Parts/Industrial Supplies

3D Software

  • Blender – open source 3D Modeling

CubeSats /  Nanosatellites

Small Spacecraft Platforms 

Life Science Resources


Shared Lab Space/Incubators/Wet Labs for Biotech Startups

Medical Device Resources – Stanford Biodesign 

Medical Device Resources – General


Synthetic Biology

Digital Health


digital health

mobile digital health


Market Research Tools

Private “pay for market research” firms


U.S. State/Canada/Federal Open Data

Solar & Renewables Open Data

Other Governments Open Data

Research Data


Open Company Data/Stats/API

Open Mapping

Genomic/BioMed Data

Public or University library Resources:

Market Research Resources Online


Starting and Running a Startup Advice

Best Startup Advice

Incorporating Your Company

Entrepreneurship Reading List

Entrepreneurship Online

Startups Data

  • Mattermark – quantifying company growth for startup investors
  • Compass – Turn data into actionable insights
  • AngelList – connecting startups and angels

Coworking Spaces

Angel/SuperAngel Investors

Corporate vc’s

VC’s Focused on Commercializing University Technology


Incubator List/ Startup Jobs

Advice on Raising Startup Capital

Cap Tables / Valuation

Venture Capital Financing

Boilerplate Venture Funding Documents

Term Sheets

Building/Managing Your Board

Intellectual Property Advice

Founder Equity Issues


Executive / Advisory Board Compensation

Public Relations (PR) For Tech Companies

Finance 101 for Entrepreneurs



Saas vs. Enterprise Churn Rates

Saas vs. Enterprise Churn Rates

Web/Mobile/Marketplace Revenue Models

Commission Fees

Burn Rate/Balance Sheet

Product Pricing 101 for Entrepreneurs

Getting Acquired


Fighting Patent Trolls

Corporate Innovation Programs

List of Investment Platforms

q2 2015 ed tech startups

China – Doing Business

china ecosystem

2015 china top100 brands

China Blogs

China Military Books/Blogs

Japan – Doing Business

Must Read Blogs

venture blogs

More to read

Cannibis market

Lean LaunchPad Videos

This is the complete list of Launchpad Video clips created to date and sorted by topic:

Mentor Training

  1. Lean LaunchPad Mentor Training UCSF

General Discussion

  1. How Large Will You Scale? (03:03) TC UCB
  2. What If You’re a Visionary? – Risks & Rewards (4:53) SL UCSF
  3. Your Startup: Do You Want to Spend 3 to 4 Years Doing This? (5:14) TC UCSF
  4. Don’t Let the MVP Limit Your Vision (03:40) TC UCB

Customer Discovery

  1. “It Saved Us Several Years” (1:45) SL UCSF
  2. Stop Telling Yourself What You Want to Believe (1.39) SL UCSF
  3. Narrowing the Focus (1:21) SL UCSF
  4. Why PI’s and Founders Need to Get Out of the Building (2:15) SL UCSF
  5. “This Was the Best Outcome” (2:50) SL UCSF
  6. Getting to the “Better Idea” Faster (3:59) SL UCSF
  7. Insights on: Does Customer Development Work in Therapeutics? (6:11) UCSF
  8. The Phases of Customer Discovery (0:37) CD

Before Leaving the Building

  1. Pre-Planning Contacts (4:34) CD
  2. Customer Interview Dry Runs (0:49) CD
  3. Discovery is for Founders (1:30) CD
  4. Pass/Fail Experiments (1:32) CD

Outside the Building

  • Rules of Customer Interviews
  1. Being Aggressive (1:29) CD
  2. Conducting a Customer Interview (1:30) CD
  3. Letting the Customer Interview Flow (1:37) CD
  4. Sizing the Opportunity (2:50) CD
  5. Finding Patterns (1:50) CD
  6. Looking for Insights (0:58) CD
  1. Death by PowerPoint (1:42) CD
  2. Death by Demo 1 (2:18) CD
  3. Death by Demo 2 (1:45) CD
  4. Understanding the Problem (3:22) CD
  5. Multi-Person Interview (2:03) CD
  6. Assuming You Know (1:56) CD
  7. B-to-B to C (2:15) CD
  8. Existing vs. New Markets (5:29) CD
  9. Asking the Right Question (2:37) CD
  10. Public Interviews (2:11) CD

Understanding What the Customer Is Telling You

  1. Engaging the Customer (3:37) CD
  2. Customer Empathy (2:25) CD
  3. The Distracted Customer (3:12) CD
  4. Customers Lie (2:37)
  5. The User, the Buyer & the Saboteur (2:24) CD

Back in the Building

  1. Extracting Insight from Data (2:59) CD
  2. Pay Attention to Outliers (2:16) CD
  3. Getting the MVP Right (3:34) CD
  4. The “Other 85%” (2:32) CD
  5. Finding Early Evangelists (1:17) CD
  6. Communicating Your Discoveries (2:26) CD

Value Proposition

  1. Pivoting…or Groping for a Business Model? (02:37) TC UCB
  2. Seduced by Insufficient Data (02:34) TC UCB

Customer Relationships

  1. Insights on: Customer Relationships – Week 4 (12:00) UCSF
  2. Use Customers to Find More Customers (02:22) TC UCB
  3. Customer Conversion (03:22) TC UCB

Customer Segments

  1. Insights on: Customer Segments – Week 2 (12:43) UCSF
  2. Estimating Market Size (01:49) SL UCB
  3. Customer Workflow (02:10) SL UCB
  4. Customer Discovery / Customer Archetype (04:04) SL UCB
  5. Customer Archetypes; Hypotheses & Experiments (03:21) SL UCB
  6. Customer Segments & Customer Archetypes (03:47) SL UCB
  7. The Fog of Entrepreneurship (03:01) TC UCB
  8. At the Start, All Your Stakeholders Are Customers (02:32) TC UCB
  9. Square Pegs & Round Holes – Mira Medicine (4:33) TC UCSF


  1. Insights on: Channels – Week 3 (14:52) UCSF
  2. Framing the Experiment (02:27) TC UCB
  3. Distribution Channels: One Data Point Is Not a Test (02:37) TC UCB

Revenue Streams

  1. Value Based Pricing – “We Were Gobsmacked!” (6:43) SL UCSF
  2. Insights on: Revenue Streams – Week 5 (17:04) UCSF
  3. The Importance of Experiments (03:57) TC UCB
  4. Validating Product Pricing (03:55) TC UCB

Key Partners

  1. Insights on: Key Partners – Week 6 (17:08) UCSF
  2. Listen Carefully for Customer Discovery (03:20) TC UCB
  3. The Timing of Partnerships (03:46) TC UCB

Key Activities & Key Resources

  1. Insights on: Science Advisory Boards (4:53) UCSF
  2. Insights on: Resources, Activities & Costs (12:26) UCSF
  3. No Laundry Lists. Just Facts! (02:43) TC UCB

Final Video

  1. Accelerated Medical Diagnostics: Final Video (2:41) SL UCSF
  2. Knox: Final Video (2:17) SL UCSF
  3. Magnamosis: Final Video (2:51) SL UCSF
  4. Making Friends: Final Video (2:19) SL UCSF
  5. Mira Medicine: Final Video (2:23) SL UCSF
  6. ResultCare: Final Video (3:08) SL UCSF
  7. Final Video (3:48) SL UCSF
  8. Vitruvian Therapeutics: Final Video (8:34) SL UCSF

Final Presentations

  1. Knox: Final Presentation (8:33) SL UCSF
  2. Magnamosis: Final Presentation (10:19) SL UCSF
  3. Making Friends: Final Presentation (8:38) SL UCSF
  4. Mira Medicine: Final Presentation (9:26) SL UCSF
  5. ResultCare: Final Presentation (11:34) SL UCSF
  6. Final Presentation (16:45) SL UCSF
  7. Vitruvian Therapeutics: Final Presentation (8:34) SL UCSF

“Getting Your Story Straight” – David Riemer on Storytelling

  1. Story Narrative and Product Narrative (10:24) UCSF
  2. Story & Storytelling (4:35) UCSF
  3. The Power of Story (10:24) UCSF
  4. Story Structure (10:24) UCSF
  5. The Main Character (9:27) UCSF
  6. The Main Conflict (6:13) UCSF
  7. Story Challenges & Solutions (2:03) UCSF
  8. Telling a Great Story (13:16) UCSF


Some of the material I have created or use in my classes does not lend itself to blogs. It’s more reference material. Thus, these pages.  I’ll add more as time goes on. See my slide/video links

Tenacity If you’ve gotten this far, here is a visual representation of tenacity and persistence!

Source: here